i could see down the track up until the point it curved. Lady salvia was now hovering above my lap as she asked, "So, do you want to continue?" I was hesitant and didnt know what to expect as the tall man, whom was so tall all i could see were his legs, stood there quietly to perform his duty of opening the latch that would allow me off this ride, awaiting my decision to continue or not...
This dream appears to depict a metaphorical journey or path in your life. The track represents the direction you are heading, and your ability to see down the track indicates your awareness of the path you are on. Lady Salvia hovering above your lap symbolizes a sense of guidance or wisdom. She presents you with a choice to continue on this path or not.
The hesitation you feel in the dream suggests uncertainty or doubt about what lies ahead. The tall man, whose legs are the only visible aspect, represents a figure of authority or influence who is there to assist you in taking a different direction if you choose to do so.
Overall, this dream may be highlighting a situation in your waking life where you are being presented with a choice about whether to continue along a certain path or change direction. It suggests a need for careful consideration before making a decision, as well as the presence of external guidance or support.